Register on BetweenBox is FREE !
The final price is dependent on the size and weight of your package.
You can estimate your final shipping cost using BetweenBox shipping calculator.
BetweenBox offers a variety of shipping services to meet your shipping needs. You can see a full list of prices on the shipping cost page.
The best way to save on international shipping is to consolidate multiple packages into one convenient box.
- Perishable biological materials, whether infectious or otherwise
- Organs and human corpses
- Narcotics and psychotropic substances
- Obscene or indecent items
- Counterfeit items
- Live animals
- Dead animals
- Explosive (including inert or dummy munitions)
- Flammable, perfumes, nail polish and paints
- Compressed air cylinders
- Radioactive or corrosive materials
- Dangerous materials such as compressed gases or any item containing gas or compressed air or liquid (aerosols, life jackets, fire extinguishers, etc.)
- Financial products (insurance, banknotes, bearer shares, credit cards, debit cards and prepaid cards, etc.)
- SIM cards
- Jewellery, precious metals, gold or silver, or other valuables
- Items that due to their nature or packaging may present a hazard to the delivery agents, or soil or be detrimental to other shipments or carriers’ equipment
- Hazardous waste.
- Cultural property of major interest to national heritage
- Lithium cells and batteries
- Drugs & feed supplements with prescription or without
- Alcohol and tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookah, hookah accessories, rolling paper, liquors, beer, wine, champagne, any equipment or materials used for making alcohol and tobacco products)
- Any strategic goods that may be put to civil or military use or products derived from wild flora or fauna protected by the Washington convention
International credit cards : VISA - MasterCard
We also accept payment by Bank Wire Transfer
We charge 14 € incoming bank transfer fee. We recommend bank transfers for orders over 400 € to save you money !
For customers living in the EURO zone, there are no customs or additional taxes.
For customers living countries outside the EURO zone, it's possible to pay customs taxes. If so, the carrier and/or the local customs service will tell you directly the amount to be paid.
We will notify you by email, when your item has arrived to our warehouse.
We strive to register all items on the same day. If we receive items on Saturday, Sunday, holiday or after business hours, it may not appear in your account until the next business day.
BetweenBox can return the item that doesn't suit you fro FREE.
You have to send us by email the return shipping label from the store where you buy your item.
BetweenBox will secure your purchases in your personalized locker free of charge for the first 60 days.
At the end of these 60 days, daily storage fees apply. These fees are 1 € per day and per package. These fees will be added to the shipping costs.
After 90 days BetweenBox reserves the right to sell, destroy or otherwise dispose of your packages without incurring any liability to you or any other party whatsoever
The consolidation process takes 24-48 business hours to complete. The warehouse team works as fast as possible to consolidate your packages. However, please allow up to 48 business hours for your consolidation to be finalized.
Once you pay for shipping, your package will be sent within 24 business hours of payment being received. The exceptions to the rule are as follows :
- BetweenBox need additional information for identity verification.
- The package contains a prohibited item.
- The package is Oversized.
We are only able to receive packages from Amazon without one-time password (OTP)
Under no circumstances should your BetweenBox address be used to apply for financial products such as insurance, loans or credit cards. If we suspect the service is being used for fraudulent purposes we will inform the police or other relevant authorities.
No, it's not permitted to use BetweenBox address to receive packages coming from outside of European Union Zone or from DOM-TOM. It's also not permitted to use BetweenBox address to receive any package that inquires customs or shipping fees.
We do not ship drugs, including all over-the-counter, prescription and legal drugs as well as illegal drugs or narcotics.
If we receive illegal drugs or narcotics in our warehouse we will inform the police or other relevant authorities.